Check out our complete list of fundraising products and do-it-yourself fundraising ideas for your next fire department fundraiser. You only pay the wholesale price and keep the rest of the money you raised for your fire department. Once you receive your popcorn bags, simply hand them out to everyone who ordered them and enjoy the profits from this easy fundraising idea. The Spinners® Fundraising Program is the world’s first re-usable fundraiser and is by far one of the most profitable fire department fundraiser programs on the market today. Protfitable fire department fundraising ideas
All donations made to NFVFD are tax deductible and are used 100% to fund the operations and expenses of the New Fairfield Fire Department. We are all volunteer service that prides itself on its ability and reputation to protect and serve New Fairfield. So won’t you please be kind and send in a donation in the envelopes provided to you during our yearly mailing or give a donation in person when one of our firefighters knocks on your door. Protfitable fire department fundraising ideas
Other fundraisers will cost more but will offer a higher profit percentage. Often, you will notice that the more you sell, the higher your profit. As the old fundraising saying goes, “Where there’s people, sell them something” if there is a larger event or festival, consider selling pizza-by-the-slice. This works especially well at all-day festivals, as some people only need a slice of pizza to curve their hunger. Consider opening up a pizza booth and selling only pizza slices in three varieties, such as cheese-only, pepperoni and veggie pizza. Talk with your local pizza restaurants and see if they would be willing to donate pizza or offer slices at a discounted rate.
The Operation Warm staff is always ready to help you brain storm additional ideas or answer any questions you have about fundraising for your Firefighters for Operation Warm brand new coat program. It is essential to consider the demographic of your audience when selecting an auction item. You can request an in-kind donation from a local business to acquire a worthy auction item. Or, you can send a fire department donation request to a fundraising website like Charity Safaris.
Some because we “eat our own” in how we treat our members who volunteer to be there. And some simply because people don’t have time to join volunteer fire departments anymore. The answer is for those in every community served by volunteers to pay taxes. For every dollar, you will have to account – no different than you demanding other forms of government not piss away your own hard-earned taxes. The Huntersville Fire Department receives funding from the Town of Huntersville as well as funding from a ‘fire tax’. We DO NOT solicit by phone nor do we solicit door-to-door for donations.
It took two years of fundraising to raise the $50,000 needed to put that new equipment into service. Some of the money came from grants (bless the volunteers who write grant applications for rural fire departments). Protfitable fire department fundraising ideas held fundraisers on 4th of July and Labor Day weekends each year (bless the families who understand why we disappear on holidays).